OK we are so far. Here are the instructions on how to update to YJSG 1.0.14:
There are 3 ways to do this. Depending on your experience level please choose the one that suits you best.
Simple re-install:
- Backup your template if you have made any changes
- Backup all your CSS changes in to templates/your_template_name/css/custom.css file
- Download new template version
- Go to Extensions -> Extension Manager upload and install your template
- Go to Extensions -> Template Manager -> Your template administration
- Top right click reset to default button
- Top right click on Clear cache & Save button
- Refresh your homepage
Uninstall old version and install new one:
This is recommended install since it will leave you with a clean YJSG 1.0.14 template version without any extra files from YJSG 1.0.13
- Backup your template if you have made any changes
- Backup all your CSS changes in to templates/your_template_name/css/custom.css file
- Download new template version
- Go to Extensions -> Template Manager and assign Beez2 template as default
- Go to Extensions -> Extension Manager -> Manage
- Find your template and uninstall it
- Go to Extensions -> Extension Manager upload and install new template version
- Go to Extensions -> Template Manager -> Your template administration
- Top right click reset to default button
- Top right click on Clear cache & Save button
- Refresh your homepage
Via ftp:
- Backup your template if you have made any changes
- Backup all your CSS changes in to templates/your_template_name/css/custom.css file
- Download new template version and extract it to its own folder
- FTP contents of extracted folder to site_root/templates/your_template/name folder
- Go to Extensions -> Template Manager -> Your template administration
- Top right click reset to default button
- Top right click on Clear cache & Save button
- Refresh your homepage
Error reporting:
Please do not report broken CSS issues until you have hard-refreshed your browser few times or cleared the browser cache.
If you however find any issues , please post in template assigned forum and we will help you.
Including Twitter Bootstrap:
To take advantage of built in Twitter Bootstrap on Joomla 2.5.x please download and install JBootstrap plugin , go to template manager and click on Clear cache & Save button.
Demo extension update:
We have updated all our extension to be compatible with Joomla 3.x. To get ready for Joomla 3.x update, please just download and reinstall them .
YJSG docs:
YJsimplegrid.com is released and you can find detail instructions for anything you need about YJSG. If you cannot find instructions on specific topic that concerns the framework please post in forum and we will write and article about it.