As our products spectrum is expanding and customer database is rapidly growing , we are in need of talented individuals who are interested in joining our team and help our company reach new goals. If you like to work on your time , have cheering personality , like to help others and are willing to work in a fun environment we would like to talk to you! If you are interested please send us an email to
youjoomla@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it with few words about yourself , possible resume and previous experience.
Available Positions:
Forum Moderators - Part time
PSD to Joomla or Wordpress Coder - Full time / Part time
Forum Moderators job requirements :
* Moderate knowledge of our products
* Customer oriented personality
* Advanced English skills ( other languages a plus )
* Sense of humor
* Multitasking ability
* Forum Moderators duties:
* Answer product related questions posted by customers
* Ability to fast recognize the issue and offer solution
* Move forum posts
* Merge forum posts
* Tag forum posts ( with relevant Joomla! tags)
* Start new threads ( asking interesting questions to bring community up)
PSD to Joomla or Wordpress Coder job requirements :
* Moderate knowledge of our products
* Efficient in , PHP, CSS , XHTML, MySql , Joomla or Wordpress
* Code by Youjoomla product standards
* Advanced English skills
Compensation we offer :
Forum moderators - Monthly payout. ( rate will be discussed on contact )
PSD to Joomla or Wordpress Coder - Payout per delivery. ( rate will be discussed on contact )