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We are Web Development Company specializing in Joomla Templates , Joomla Extensions and WordPress Themes development . You are not able to see some forum threads due to your memberhip level. To unlock all forums and special customer support please take few moments to signup . If you are just searching for free joomla templates , or free joomla extension support simply head to our Free Joomla Support forums and open a new thread. Our moderators will help you as soon as possible. To spead up the response time please take few seconds and go over forum rules

Have fun!

We are hiring!

11-25-2009, 11:36 AM
# 1 (permalink)
As our products spectrum is expanding and customer database is rapidly growing , we are in need of talented individuals who are interested in joining our team and help our company reach new goals. If you like to work on your time , have cheering personality , like to help others and are willing to work in a fun environment we would like to talk to you! If you are interested please send us an email to youjoomla@gmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it with few words about yourself , possible resume and previous experience.

Available Positions:

Forum Moderators - Part time

PSD to Joomla or Wordpress Coder - Full time / Part time

Forum Moderators job requirements :

* Moderate knowledge of our products
* Customer oriented personality
* Advanced English skills ( other languages a plus )
* Sense of humor
* Multitasking ability
* Forum Moderators duties:
* Answer product related questions posted by customers
* Ability to fast recognize the issue and offer solution
* Move forum posts
* Merge forum posts
* Tag forum posts ( with relevant Joomla! tags)
* Start new threads ( asking interesting questions to bring community up)

PSD to Joomla or Wordpress Coder job requirements :

* Moderate knowledge of our products
* Efficient in , PHP, CSS , XHTML, MySql , Joomla or Wordpress
* Code by Youjoomla product standards
* Advanced English skills

Compensation we offer :

Forum moderators - Monthly payout. ( rate will be discussed on contact )

PSD to Joomla or Wordpress Coder - Payout per delivery. ( rate will be discussed on contact )
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