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Help us improve our website and get 1 month Free Club Membership

12-18-2011, 05:25 PM
# 1 (permalink)
Hello there. YJ Team is getting ready to release update of our main website. Youjoomla V4.0 is in beta stage and we would like to hear from you.

Your post reply will help us make some decisions and give us insight on your global experience with our website.
If your suggestion for improvement is accepted and incorporated in Youjoomla V4.0 you will get 1 month free Club membership or extension of your current one.

Some of the features in V4.0:
  • New logo ( already in )
  • New template
  • Customer support tickets
  • Live chat with moderators ( Under consideration )
  • Merge downloads, news ,blog ,demo section in to 1 extension
  • Docs section
  • File versions tracker
  • Bug submissions system
  • Merge club shop and product shop in to 1 extension
  • Improve product information by gathering as much info as possible on product presentation page or intro
  • New forum template ( possible new forum )

So please tell us what you like or dislike. If you are club member please advise what bothers you most with our forums, download section , template releases , extensions , product updates. Tell us what our strong points are so we can push them forward , also please advise if there is something we should add or remove .

Please be gentle

Thank you for participating!

P.S. Please do not use this post for product support questions. Every such post will be deleted.
12-18-2011, 06:04 PM
# 2 (permalink)
I look forward to see the new improvements on the Youjoomla site.
so far, new logo

keep up the good work guy's, YJ is by far the best!
12-18-2011, 07:06 PM
# 3 (permalink)
What I have struggled with is when I am looking for a template for a project the product pages are setup so I have to make extra clicks to get to an image I can see. I don't think the image slice is enough for me to get a real sense of what a template looks like. The product pages the way Gavick setup their site is an excellent example of what works best...

Even if you just gave us a popup image that shows the full page would be much more valuable than the way it is now.
12-18-2011, 08:55 PM
# 4 (permalink)
Originally Posted by kevinmorrison
What I have struggled with is when I am looking for a template for a project the product pages are setup so I have to make extra clicks to get to an image I can see. I don't think the image slice is enough for me to get a real sense of what a template looks like. The product pages the way Gavick setup their site is an excellent example of what works best...

Even if you just gave us a popup image that shows the full page would be much more valuable than the way it is now.
That feature is in , our showcase , template news , download section will be merged and you will have previews of template images before clicking on demos. I got tired of constant clicking also . I should have listed some of the features but let me check with admins first.
12-18-2011, 09:05 PM
# 5 (permalink)
I got a green light , see my first post for proposed changes
12-19-2011, 11:40 AM
# 6 (permalink)
The new Youjoomla is gonna rock!

I am curious what people will say about the Live Chat ... XD
12-19-2011, 06:53 PM
# 7 (permalink)
We just got a very interesting comment on our blog about this. Since user is not registered I cannot award them but here is the comment and I would like Leslie to register so we can give away the first 30 days free membership.

It would be nice to have templates listed in a category with a rating system (maybe stars) to break each template down. Example given: --> Ease of install ****, Ease of use *****, This template is best suited for? Commercial, home, gaming etc...

Also show off your templates with members who have used them in designing or creating their own websites. Put a link or website name on members who have used their templates to show new members and existing ones how you can manage and manipulate your templates. Have this on the same page as each template.

Have a feature for "best overall template from a member" each month and maybe give them a free extension or extra month free for being a featured member with that template on your site.
12-20-2011, 01:54 AM
# 9 (permalink)
I love the logo! That is very creative
12-20-2011, 06:27 PM
# 10 (permalink)
Originally Posted by joomgirl
I love the logo! That is very creative
Thank you! this was in making for very long time , you know how it is, you always do your best for someone else instead yourself
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