One of the many great things of YJSG powered websites is the possibility to use cufon fonts. Those can really spice up a website in my opinion.
Out of the box YJSG comes with 10 cufon fonts. But what if one of those doesn't meet your needs. Here's a little how-to about adding the cufon font of your liking to a YJSG powered website.
First find a font of your liking. There are many great sites with plenty of free fonts. A simple search will give you all the fonts you could ever want or use.
Then visit
cufón - fonts for the people and upload your font. The site will transform the font to a cufon font file. Please read the instructions on the site carefully. Not all font files can be transformed and you certainly don't need to have all options checked. Basic latin will do in most cases.
After the font is generated you can save a file called MYFAVFONT.font.js. Save this file in myYJSGtemplate/scr/cufon.
Next open up myYJSGtemplate/yjsgcore/cufonfonts.php. After case10, around line 56 insert case11. It will look like this:
case 11:
$cufon_get_file = "MYFAVFONT.font.js";
MYFAVFONT of course being the exact name of your generated font
Next open up myYJSGtemplate/templatedetails.xml. Around line 200 you will find the cufon fonts being used. Make a mention of the new font by inserting the following line:
One more little thing to finish off. Again in templatedetails.xml around line 680 find the cufon fonts again. Insert option value 11, it will look like this:
<option value="11">MYFAVFONT</option>
Save all the modifications, login to the backend, open up your template manager, select cufon in Element tag override type, and select your new cufon font in Cufon Font-Family.
Read more about cufon fonts pro and contra on
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