To make it easy on everyone we added a new feature in YJSG framework. Google Analytics website hits tracking.
After the update just go to template manager , Additional Features accordion , first setting from top. Turn Google Analytics on and enter your GA tracking ID.
For manual updates please download the attached zip file . Extract it
FTP the extracted folders ( administrator , templates) to your site root overriding the existing files
affected files:
- sitename/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_yougrids.ini
- sitename/templates/yougrids/css/admin/yjsg_admin.css
- sitename/templates/yougrids/yjsgcore/yjsg_core.php
- sitename/templates/yougrids/yjsgcore/yjsg_footer.php
- sitename/templates/yougrids/yjsgcore/yjsg_scripts.php
- sitename/templates/yougrids/index.php( only version # changed)
- sitename/templates/yougrids/TemplateDetails.xml
NOTE: If you template name is different than YouGrids ,
do not upload these 2 files . See manual lines update below
- sitename/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_yougrids.ini
- sitename/templates/yougrids/TemplateDetails.xml
MANUAL TemplateDetails.xml file update:
find line #651 ( can differ from template to template )
<param name="" type="yjsgparamtitle" default="NOT_YJ_LABEL" />
change to
<param name="" type="yjsgparamtitle" default="GA_YJ_LABEL" />
<param name="" type="yjsgtextblank" default="GATEXT_LABEL"/>
<param name="ga_switch" type="radio" default="0" label="GA_LABEL" description="GA_DESC">
<option value="1">Enable</option>
<option value="0">Disable</option>
<param name="GAcode" type="yjsgtext" default="UA-xxxxxx-x" size="20" label="GACODE_LABEL" description="GACODE_DESC" />
<param name="" type="yjsgparamtitle" default="NOT_YJ_LABEL" />
MANUAL en-GB.tpl_YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME.ini file update:
and add following text at the bottom of the file . NO SPACES OR BRAKES!
GATEXT_LABEL=To enable automatic hits tracking with GA,enter Google Analytics Account ID into this field. <a href="" target="_blank">Where can I find my tracking ID?</a>. The tracking ID will look like UA-xxxxxxx-x. Please note - this tracking is only for pages displayed within your Joomla installation.
GA_YJ_LABEL= Google Analytics
GA_LABEL= Enable Google Analytics
GA_DESC= Enable automatic website hits tracking with GA. GA tracking ID required. See setting below.
GACODE_LABEL=Enter your Google Analytics tracking ID
GACODE_DESC=To enable automatic hits tracking with GA,enter Google Analytics Account ID into this field. The tracking ID will look like UA-1231231-1