I have joined less than 24 hrs ago.
I was sold on the video about the YJSG Framework video. I have experience in html web design but nothing like Joomla. Your video is the solution for beginners familiar with web design but not Joomla. I can learn as I design. You have already solved the forward technology issues lacking in other Joomla memberships.
For past 3 months I have used money on wasted memberships to only experience a better solution can be found. I moved on with memberships still active.
You provide a web designer a future relief to avoid a need change an entire design to add upcoming technologies and you are using already using current technology with speed and accuracy.
My suggestions are more access on knowledge and navigation.
1. The YJSG Framework logo on the bottom was the key to getting me to the video.
--I only found it after browsing many pages and it could have easily help me to decide to join and spent more time looking at products offered.
--If you could show a demo link or icon in a more visual area because I still had to bookmark to get remember how to get to it.
2. When in the demo templates, there is no easy way to find a link to get back to YouJoomla home page. I do understand the full demo is what is offered but when I decided to move on, I had to click on possible exits that didn't get me to your homepage. This is how I found the logo link to the video.
3. I am a web designer that looks at many of the already posted questions and trouble shooting in forums before starting a new project. I use all browsers to test new products before adding it to web designs.
--Because you are so creative, I would like to see a stick note function in your offering much like
1. Opera extension -- sticky note
2. WordPress dashboard site notes
WordPress › Dashboard Site Notes « WordPress Plugins
I come back to the Opera browser to see my sticy notes that I wrote on your website even if I am using FireFox. It is great to just have my notes whenever your website is opened.
Thank for an efficient and useful template manager.