Ok ladies and gents, we are so far, Joomla 2.5 is out and there are few new features that you can take advantage of.
From the full list of new features
New Features in Joomla! 2.5 | Joomla! Community Portal
main ones that concern our templates and modules are:
- Use the Images and URL Fields to Create Simple Standardized Layouts
- Change your Offline page Image
- CAPTCHA in Core
All our newsflash and news slider modules have been updated with extended images function and you can simply download and reinstall the module. There is no need for manual upgrade here.
Please note that images posted within your news item text
have the priority and they will be pulled by the module no matter if the image is in your intro or full text.
com_users and
offline.php template override for each of our template has been updated to reflect the new features and you can download and reinstall your template.
To make it easier for you we created
single installs for Joomla 1.7 and Joomla 2.5. All our extensions file names have been changed so you would easy recognize the version.
Yes the same files work on Joomla 1.6 but to keep it cleaner we will not use all release versions within file names. Only the current one and one prior to current. To understand this better here are few examples:
- Template_Yougrids-J15.zip
- Template_Yougrids-J17J25.zip
- Demo_Yougrdis-J15.zip
- Demo_Yougrids-J17.zip
- Module_YJ_Piecemaker-J17J25.zip
We hope that this will help you and there will be no confusions as to what file you would need to use.
Our template demos for Joomla! 2.5 are ready and you can start downloading them from products download area. Current Joomla! 1.7.4 template demos are Joomla! 2.5 update ready so you can use build in Joomla! 1.7 updater and upgrade to Joomla! 2.5.
Templates manual upgrade instructions:
If you do not wish to completely update your current template, download new template version, extract it on your desktop and transfer following folders and files to your template folder:
- elements - folder with files
- html/com_content - folder with files
- html/com_users - folder with files
- offline.php - file
- css/joomladefaults.css - file
check template.css line 18
@import url("joomladefaults.css"); /*default system styles*/
and make sure that is importing
joomladefaults.css and
not joomla16.css
If you have any issues please post in product assigned forums and our moderators will help you.
As our conversion process continues
Conversion Tracker
here is the list of currently updated templates, modules, template demos and plugins:
Updated Templates and Template Demos:
- Youapps
- Youatect
- Youbistro
- Youbooks - template only
- Youdesigns
- Youdeveloper
- Youevents
- Youfact
- Youfash
- Youfauna
- Youfitness
- Yougrids
- Youmania
- Youmedia
- Youmomentum
- Youmovies
- Youpassion
- Youphoto
- Youplus
- Youportfolio
- Youpulse
- Yournews
- Youscene
- Youshows
- Yousofa
- Yousporter
- Yousports
- Youstorage
- Youstudio
- Youthemes
- Youtoons
- Youversity
- Youwinner
- Youyork
- Youzine
Updated Modules:- Image Slider 3.0
- Miaflv Basic
- YJ Accordion Newsflash
- Yj Accordion Slider
- YJ Ajax Contact
- YJ Latest Tweets
- YJ Mozaic Slider
- YJ Multitabs
- YJ Module Engine
- YJ News Slider 5
- YJ News Slider 7
- YJ News Slider 8
- YJ News Slider 9
- YJ News Slider 10
- YJ Newsflash Ultimate
- YJ Newsflash 4
- YJ Newsflash 5
- YJ Newsflash 7
- YJ Plan Features
- YJ Pop Login
- Youbumpit Module
- Youdeveloper News Slider
- Youfact News Engine
- Youmagazine News Slider
- Youmania News Slider
- Youmomentum News Slider
- Younews Slider
- Youplus News Slider
- Youroller News Slider
- Youscene News Slider
- Youstorage News Slider
- Youversity News Slider
- Youweather Module
- Youyork Module Slider
- YJ Piecemaker
- YJ Title Ticker
Updated Plugins:- Youbumpit Plugin
- YJ Mega Menu Plugin
- Multi Media Box 3.0 Plugin