There were few small bugs that needed some fixing. We have waited for latest Joomla 1.6 version reports and issuing full update for both YJSG versions. This update should be applied to all YJSG based templates. Free and commercial ones. Files changed will not affect your template layout. Most bugs were invisible to many of you but we must keep it clean.
Change log-3-18-2011 Maintenance update
---------- JOOMLA 1.5 -------------- Version change from 1.0.10 to 1.0.11
- fixed reserved misspelled in template footer
- fixed allow_url_fopen condition in yjsgverison.php
- params.ini call in elements/yjsgaccordion.php changed
- Added component disabled check in elements/yjsgaccordion.php
- Fixed IE9 showing IE6 notices
---------- JOOMLA 1.6 -------------
- Version change from 1.0.10 to 1.0.11
- fixed reserved misspelled in template footer
- Mega menu images show blank on fresh template install
- mod_menu files forward slash issue on local/wamp/xamp in default.php
- fixed allow_url_fopen condition in yjsgverison.php
- change version checker for Joomla 1.6 version only
- yjsgmultitext.php , removed JHTML::_('behavior.keepalive');
- Fixed IE9 showing IE6 notices
If you wish to update please download the new template file and reinstall
Manual update
For manual update please download the Joomla15 or Joomla16 zip , and FTP the files to
After the update open
siteroot/templates/YJSG_TEMPLATE_NAME/Teamplate_Details.xml file
around line 21
<h3>YJSG Version 1.0.10 Stable</h3>
change to
<h3>YJSG Version 1.0.11 Stable</h3>