YJ Contact us is int its last stage of testing . You can see it here on our site under
YJ Installation help and
Contact us
please don't get click happy

read further
This extension will allow you to :
- create multiple contact forms
- create multiple departments ,
- assign different email to each department
- activate or disable captcha
- activate or disable file uploads
- assign specific file upload folder
- disable departments but keep them visible
- full CSS control
- CSS manager within extension itself , no need to browse trough server files
- XHTML and CSS valid
- create specific description using your default Joomla editor for each department
- automatic form menu assignment to your available joomla menus
- if you have only one department the menu will link directly to it without asking user to select departments
- if form has multiple departments user will be prompted to select one before submitting the form
- full language files for each form parameters for admin and frontend
now all nice and fun but we need some experienced testers to test on own servers.
each tester will get this commercial extension free
testers must have min 20 forum posts and must be paying Club Member
if interested , drop me an email
Special pricing
since this is a commercial addon and will not be available under club extensions ,
all club members will be able to use special pricing which will be visible under their membership details
Add/Renew form. No worries we will try to keep it low and affordable for everyone as always
For testers
Download the Yj Extensions from your memberships page
- Install as any Joomla 1.5 extension
The extensions will be listed as first extension under Components
as .YJ Contact Us
- Create Department/ Departments
- adjust all department settings ,( name,description,Message,Email
- Create new form ,
- Chose departments that will be visible in this form
- give form the name
- assign to menu you like
- give menu item the name
all done , test your form
report here please ,