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[SOLVED] Comment system, how?

10-03-2007, 06:10 PM
# 1 (permalink)
For example:

Is possible to enable any comment system for users make a comment in that news?
10-04-2007, 09:43 PM
# 2 (permalink)

Luis Timoteo wrote:
For example:

Is possible to enable any comment system for users make a comment in that news?

I have jcomment and it those not play nice with this template so had to de-activate it.Is there other sure go to joomla.org
My way around was to install fireboard

Stroke survivor and Alzheimer survivor so far
10-04-2007, 10:04 PM
# 3 (permalink)
Pierre you are missinforming him! Joomcomment is fine , your issue was bad link in video , if you read my last email to you I said you can reisntall joomcomment
10-05-2007, 12:06 AM
# 4 (permalink)

Neo wrote:
Pierre you are missinforming him! Joomcomment is fine , your issue was bad link in video , if you read my last email to you I said you can reisntall joomcomment
:S I stand corected last email was not read sorry.
Stroke survivor and Alzheimer survivor so far
06-20-2023, 03:53 AM
# 7 (permalink)
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