Hello there! Welcome to Youjoomla Support Forums

We are Web Development Company specializing in Joomla Templates , Joomla Extensions and WordPress Themes development . You are not able to see some forum threads due to your memberhip level. To unlock all forums and special customer support please take few moments to signup . If you are just searching for free joomla templates , or free joomla extension support simply head to our Free Joomla Support forums and open a new thread. Our moderators will help you as soon as possible. To spead up the response time please take few seconds and go over forum rules

Have fun!

Announcements in Forum : Pre-Sales Questions
03-15-2009, 11:00 PM

Basic forum rules:

Have you browsed forums for your question?

We have over 30K posts and well over 60k members , the issue you have might have been answered already. Please take few seconds and browse our forums or use the search function If you are not able to find an answer please follow the instructions below. To expedite the service and response please include following in every new thread:
  1. Link to your installation
  2. PHP version
  3. MySql version
  4. Joomla or Wordpress version
  5. YouGrids version if applicable
  6. Advise if you made any custom modifications to original files.

General Forum Rules:

  • Before posting, use search function. Your question might have already been asked (and answered).
  • Make sure you post in the product assigned forums only, and keep the posts on topic.
  • Do not post your web site admin details. We are not responsible if you get hacked because of this.
  • Do not PM admin's/moderators for faster response.
  • Do not continue someone else's post. Start your own thread. This way other members can find answers faster.
  • Do not post your question in a thread that has completely different issue or subject. This way we can avoid the answer confusions.
  • Try to thank people who helped you. This can help our community grow.
  • Any posts deemed to be in the wrong forum will be moved and might delay an answer.
  • Choose an appropriate subject line: Good example: "How do I edit Solutions Template logo?" , Bad example: " Help me please!"
  • No thread bumping, spamming, flaming or trolling. Poster will receive an infraction.
  • Do not link to any web site that has adult materials or might otherwise be considered offensive. Poster will receive an infraction.
  • No cursing. Poster will receive an infraction.
  • Do not use caps in post titles or post body. This is considered as yelling and you might offend someone.
  • Rude, discriminating posts will be deleted and poster will receive an infraction.
  • Your post might be edited, deleted, moved, locked or you might get infraction if rules are not followed.
  • Forums are assigned for most of your questions or concerns. Please post in subject-specific forum.
  • If you do not require additional help on your post please mark posts as SOLVED. Under your first post click on link Thread tools and check 'Mark post as solved' link. Please post in subject-specific forum.


  • The infraction system is a feature of the forum that allows us to exercise forum moderation and maintain the forum rules in a fair and quick way.
  • When you receive an infraction, you will be given a number of infraction points. The more severe the infraction, the more points you'll receive.
  • You will also receive a Private Message alerting you to the infraction.
  • If you accumulate too many infraction points, you will be prevented from using the forum for a certain period of time.
  • 1 point = 1 day, 5 points = 7 days, 10 points = 14 days, more than 10 points = permanently.


  • Must be setup in your Profile (on profile page), and not manually added to your messages.
  • May NOT contain any pricing, sales, product etc. details (spam). Poster will receive an infraction.
  • May include up to 2 clickable links (URL's or mail to: ). No duplicate links.
  • Must be kept to a maximum of four lines (at 1024 resolution).
  • May not contain links for the purpose of self promotion.
  • Your signature is your signature. It is not for sale or rent.
  • Any signature or avatar that is offensive or insulting to either us, our members or our staff, are prohibited.
  • We reserve the right to ask you to change and/or remove, or for us to remove, your signature or avatar at any time, for any reason.

Product Support:

  • Advise what Joomla version (e.g. "1.5.15"; not "latest version")you are using.
  • Post a link to your installation.
  • Advise if you have edited any product files, and which ones.
  • Advise if you have installed any additional components or modules, and which ones.
  • Post as much info as you can. We are not able to help without sufficient information.
  • If your membership level is less than Developer, support offers only bug fixes and installation instructions. No custom modifications are supported.
  • Please understand, all our products will work with default Joomla installations. We do not guarantee compatibility with any 3rd party extensions or applications.

Custom Modifications:

Please understand that modifying colors or spacing, adding or modifying module positions, changing layout sides, as well as everything else that did not come with default style, is considered custom work. Only Developer members are offered such support, and then in moderation. We are not limiting the number of questions; however, we cannot support or do complete website revisions for you. If your question is not considered custom work, please post in template or extension assigned forum.

These rules are subject to change at any point, with or without prior notice. It is important that you regularly check back.

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