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[SOLVED] Wanna tip ? :)

05-24-2009, 10:09 PM
# 1 (permalink)
OK I just cant keep my mouth shut . Next template is due on Jun 15th but seem like it will be released 2 weeks earlier because it is just wrong to keep it away from you so long. So in few days GAMERS BE AWARE !!!

coming up ,
  • YJMS2.0 Module V2.0 with bottom aligned playlist
  • YJNF 4.0 with multiple paging , unlimited news items display and nice fadein/out Mootools transition
  • YJ Popup login , joomla 1.5 ajax login/register form
  • Demo with plenty of content and build in JComments extensions with custom comments template
  • and one of a kind gaming template with beatify styles

sorry about the teaser image , team does not allow more
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