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01-19-2012, 12:39 PM
# 21 (permalink)

Below please see what I would like to see in V4.

1. Pre-sale Forum
Child boards for different categories, so that the questions and answers can be more targeted. This would help persons looking to purchase a specific product and might have questions that have already been answered.

2. From time to time YJ would have had products that have a problem. The problems would have been detected and to be fixed or have been fixed. It would be nice to have a particular place for this information. So persons with problems would go there first even before posting in the Forum. It could also include things like work-a-round.
01-20-2012, 02:38 AM
# 22 (permalink)
Hi again,

I just thought of another thing - What about a Voice component to get to know your users needs?
Any member gets 10votes/month to put on ideas/template genre etc that they would like to see.
You will get an instant overview on what template most users need and can focus on working on the voices with most votes.

01-22-2012, 11:47 AM
# 23 (permalink)

Hi, it would be nice to be able to either see instantly whether a template is 100% compatible with tablets like the Apple iPad - so be able to quickly clarify things like Flash components, etc.

I know that some research can determine that, but an "at-a-glance" indicator, or icon, would be a great time-saver.

Maybe even extend the same idea to also cover Android-based tablets too, using of course a different indicator.

What do you think?
01-22-2012, 06:04 PM
# 24 (permalink)
Originally Posted by itips9273
Hi, it would be nice to be able to either see instantly whether a template is 100% compatible with tablets like the Apple iPad - so be able to quickly clarify things like Flash components, etc.

I know that some research can determine that, but an "at-a-glance" indicator, or icon, would be a great time-saver.

Maybe even extend the same idea to also cover Android-based tablets too, using of course a different indicator.

What do you think?
YJSG framework is compatible with mobile devices so all templates immediately are compatible
01-22-2012, 11:45 PM
# 25 (permalink)
I got one more idea -
Create Social and E-commerce template matches for your current templates.
Upgrade them with Jomsocial and Virtuemart template matches and mark them with two icons, one for social template included and one for e-commerce template included.
That way it would be simple to select a template for a new community for example.

01-30-2012, 09:56 AM
# 26 (permalink)
Hi there -
Just checking, as i have not had feedback on my ideas like i see that others got.
Did you find any of the ideas useful at all?

Kind regards,
01-30-2012, 10:12 AM
# 27 (permalink)
1- Tutorials: Please include good tutorials and keep them updated specially for beginners
2- Website vs template I´d like to see how people is using the template, it´d give the idea of different element or module webmasters are using
3- Include Search button for the general site
4- Personal notification by email when templates or extensions are updating
5. Extensions: Replace the red image for the real image of the template. Include more information like date updated, language, etc

Best regards,

02-06-2012, 05:54 AM
# 28 (permalink)
Hi Rocaloca,

I think you should get much better response in the support forum as this thread is about improving the already great youjoomla site

@Youjoomla team - How long is this promotion running? I mean that you want suggestions for improvements? (my suggestion is that you never stop running it - always improve )

02-06-2012, 07:33 PM
# 29 (permalink)
@johaswe this will never stop we always want to know how to make it easier on you. but after YJv4 is out this forum post will be named differently. currently we will use all suggestions and make it easier.

To reveal something new , today we started making brand new file repository that will be introduced on YJv4 and will be available in club members downloads. Now when I say this most of you might think that well there are so many of repository extensions , but I can say that I tested ALL of them , and NONE has all features we need , so , this one will be built from a user perspective with all our current download area features plus mixture of K2 logic. We have one of the K2 devs working on it with us.
02-07-2012, 04:48 AM
# 30 (permalink)
Hi neo,

That is great to hear!

Once again i think that a voice component would be great to use for collection of both Site, template and component suggestions.
This enables you to get the most important (what most users need) changes into development pipeline.
#1 A user posts the idea/suggestion
#2 All other users votes (thumbs up's) an idea/suggestion
#3 You take the suggestion/idea into action and reward the voice creator

Ofcourse it works fine to keep it in a forum - just using a voice component would create a sorted/ordered channel for you to connect with users and keeping forum as a user-to-user connection.

Kind regards,
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