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Simple Thank You

03-29-2011, 01:09 PM
# 1 (permalink)
My companies have been on the internet since (W.O.W) 1998. I have always had to do the programming. Early days seemed much easier and I used an Adobe Suite. Life happens and technology moves faster than life. Getting back into the programming end has been difficult, programming was never my forte. In the last 5 years alone, I have been through a rash of programmers who promise to do what you need, they hacked around Open Source and delivered a stinky product that never encompassed the vision.

I have had to resume programming the company sites. Joomla has been a steep learning curve for me. But I find this site (YouJoomla) and I test drive their product under a silver license on a magazine site and I find that the support is very tolerant of my learning curve because they are passionate about their products both templates and support. Their passion has sold me, because you can't be passionate about your product when you are hacking up someone else's Open Source. The frame is solid.

I am looking to enhance my knowledge. I am not looking for another programmer due to the crappy programmers I have had. If you are looking at this site and looking for someone to CODE your site, this site isn't for you! If you are looking for a community that appreciates your willingness to learn and teach yourself and support that will talk you through without doing it for you, then you have arrived --any subscription is well worth every penny.

I appreciate this company and their passion for their products. I am thankful for the attentive support and the opportunity to learn from this community.

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