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reCAPTCHA Does not work on Contact Form

09-22-2012, 11:52 PM
# 1 (permalink)
The reCAPTCHA does not show up on the contact us forms. If I fill out the form and click send, it tells me that a blank option is not allowed. reCAPTCHA does show up on the register form for the site and works correctly.

The only file that has been changed is the default.php file in the yourgrids/html/com_contact/contact

Nothing was deleted from this file, it was just changed around to allow the contact us form to show up like it did in Joomla 1.5.

I have any reinstalled yourgrids and it still did not work. Need to have reCAPTCHA working. Thanks

Are you sure your are posting in product assigned forum?: Yes

What is your CMS version?: Joomla 2.5

MySQL Version: 5.x

PHP version: 5.x

Link to installation: not public yet

Have you edited any files? If yes tell us which ones.: Yes
09-23-2012, 11:42 AM
# 2 (permalink)
"The only file that has been changed is the default.php file in the yourgrids/html/com_contact/contact

make sure that contact.xml in that folder has fieldset captcha


	<fieldset name="captcha">
I would revert back to original and test first
09-23-2012, 01:49 PM
# 3 (permalink)
There was no contact.xml file in the directory on the server. I downloaded the YourGrids template again and unzipped it locally and the contact.xml file is in there. I checked the file and it has the information listed above, so I uploaded it to the site, but its still not working.
09-23-2012, 01:53 PM
# 4 (permalink)
Ok, just did a complete reinstall of the complete template and its working now. Please mark this a resolved.
04-02-2020, 12:36 PM
# 5 (permalink)
I could not find the yougrids template forum, but when I searched this thread came up and it is a continuing of this issue. How do you remove the hover effect for the registration page. when I hover over an input and hidden text appears the label disappears.
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